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We scaled the Qatari Armed Forces' training capacities by implementing a 9-screen laser training facility and weapons hardware that simulates real-life live-fire scenarios. 

Qatar install

In order to enhance the performance and marksmanship of their Firearms officers, The Qatari Armed Forces (QAF) highlighted a need for a highly developed fire-simulation training facility. A key requirement of this facility was to be able not only to perform complex skills drills, but also to have a controlled and managed progression path from laser shoot to live fire simulation.


Following a highly competitive tender process, ShootHouse’s VIPER Training System (VTS) was selected as the preferred partner to the QAF based on value for money, total and through-life cost, and overall technical performance. The QAF solution encompassed a 9 screen laser firearms training system and a 2 screen live-fire training system to address both the basic and advanced firearms training requirements. 


As part of the programme of work, ShootHouse delivered both Glock and M16 firearms which offer users a realistic shooting experience in a safe, controlled, and focused training environment. ShootHouse’s VTS has been developed so students can practise on the same courseware regardless of whether the user is firing live-fire or laser. 


This allows instructors to formulate a natural progression for students, whereby raw recruits can utilise simulated laser weapons to create real-life muscle memory of trigger weight, take-up, recoil and reset. Once instructors deem that students are ready, VTS then allows users to use live weapons in a ballistically safe environment to hone their skills and accuracy. 


Both the 9-screen laser firearms training system and 2-screen live-fire system include a hit-detect camera, PC’s, projectors, speakers, and networking infrastructure. Each system is controlled by the instructor where they can produce customised and bespoke modules to meet specific training requirements, including marksmanship and judgemental training using both video scenarios and CGI software. 


The VTS After Action Review (AAR) capability provides instructors with student performance data which is then used to enhanced training needs and training curriculums.


The Qatari Armed Forces continue to use the VIPER Training System for their ever-evolving training requirements and VTS allows instructors the flexibility, scalability, and ease of use to adapt to new battle situations.

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